Top 100 Free Online Courses
From Top Universities Worldwide
in 2017 (MOOCs)

More and more Ivy League and other top-ranking institutions, such Harvard, Yale, MIT, Berkeley and Stanford, are offering free online courses that anyone can participate in. These "Massive Online Open Courses" (in short MOOCs), give students worldwide the chance to obtain degrees from famous universities, free from the constraints of geography and socioeconomic status.
Normally, these schools are normally highly selective and very difficult to get into. Now YOU have the chance to get involved and freely enroll in their courses!
These elite institutions currently offer a few hundred courses online, divided over a number of online course platforms. The former exclusivity of these programmes is slowly dissolving, now that today you can freely enroll in any of the courses (listed below). As long as you have a proper internet connection.
Let's say you complete a course. Then you can often choose to get an official certificate (for a relatively low price), which can be used as visual proof of completion (for a future employer for example). Whether you completed it with or without a diploma, you have the knowledge either way. And putting the words "Harvard" or "Yale" on your CV after completion definitely makes you stand out from all other job-applicants. Which further increases your odds to get that dream job you always wanted.
Now, I have assembled the list below through a number of dedicated search engines[1. These include: , , ] Naturally, all of the Universities cover a wide range of different subjects in their online courses. So to make it easy for you, I have taken the liberty to divide them into different categories[2. We ranked all courses on number of reviews received (with an overall average of over 4 starts)]. This, while filtering out courses that have very similar content, to prevent overlap. So for example, there is only 1 HTML course, not 4, while they all might have many positive reviews.
For the most popular course on edX (from Harvard) click HERE. For the most popular course on Coursera (Rated by over 21.000 people!) click HERE.
Course Categories
You can click on each category, which will take you to the designated subject on the page. Saves you some scrolling. Furthermore, clicking on any of the course-titles below will take you directly to the webpage where you can enroll in it. If you find our list useful, please don't forget to share it. This helps other people find it too!
Business & Management Courses
Fundamentals of Project Planning and Managment
University of Virginia via Coursera
(Rated by: 898 )
Internet Giants: The Law and Economics of Media Platforms
The University of Chicago via Coursera
(Rated by: 326 )
Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship
University of Maryland via Coursera
(Rated by: 305 )
Arts & Humanities Courses
Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and the Modern World: Lesser Vehicle
University of Virginia via Coursera
(Rated by: 458)
Modern & Contemporary American Poetry
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
(Rated by: 130 )
Computer Science Courses
Introduction to Typography
California Institute of Arts via Coursera
(Rated by: 1040)
Cybersecurity and Its Ten Domains
University System of Georgia via Coursera
(Rated by: 726)
Introduction to Computer Science
Harvard University via edX (Most popular course on edX!)
(Rated by: 146)
Engineering Courses
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera
(Rated by: 607)
How Things Work: An Introduction to Physics
University of Virginia via Coursera
(Rated by: 561)
Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space
University of Arizona via Coursera
(Rated by: 539)
Organic Solar Cells - Theory and Practice
Technical University of Denmark via Coursera
(Rated by: 426)
Introduction to Sustainability
University of Illinois via Coursera
(Rated by: 291)
Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity
Stanford University via Coursera
(Rated by: 213)
General Chemistry: Concept Development and Application
Rice University via Coursera
(Rated by: 155)
Health & Medicine Courses
Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health
The University of North Carolina via Coursera
(Rated by: 711)
Introduction to Neuroeconomics: How the Brain Makes Decisions
Higher School of Economics via Coursera
(Rated by: 476 )
Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials
John Hopkins University via Coursera
(Rated by: 410 )
Epidemics - The Dynamics of Infectious Diseases
The Pennsylvania State University via Coursera
(Rated by: 376 )
Social Sciences Courses
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
University of California, San Diego via Coursera
(Rated by: 21.974)
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne via Coursera
(Rated by: 619)
Introduction to International Criminal Law
Case Western Reserve University via Coursera
(Rated by: 500)
Programming Courses
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via Coursera
(Rated by: 5254)
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)
Rice University via Coursera
(Rated by: 2935 )
Object Oriented Programming in Java
University of California, San Diego via Coursera
(Rated by: 2241 )
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
University of Michigan via Coursera
(Rated by: 1071)
Education, Language & Teaching Courses
Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects
University of California, San Diego via Coursera
(Rated by: 21.974)
Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics
Universiteit Leiden via Coursera
(Rated by: 420)
Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing
University of London via Coursera
(Rated by: 232)
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course)
École Polytechnique via Coursera
(Rated by: 164)
TOEFL Test Preparation: The Insider's Guide
Educational Testing Service (ETS) via edX
(Rated by: 132)