Countdown NZ





Chance to

WIN a $500 Supermarket gift card!

WIN a $500 Countdown gift card!

WIN a $500 Countdown gift card!

This offer is valid on

Answer the following 4 questions to find out if you have won this $500 gift card.
Answer the following 4 questions to find out if you can win this $500 gift card.
Answer the following 4 questions to find out if you can win this $500 gift card.

Checking your answers…

  • No double registrations found.
  • Gift card available.
  • You qualify to WIN!
  • Finalize your registration on the next page!
Question 1/4

What’s your gender?


Question 2/4

What’s your age?

18 – 25 years
26 – 45 years
46 or older

Question 3/4

Do you specifically look for healthy food?


Question 4/4

Would you like to win this $500 gift card?

Yes, absolutely!
No thanks