My Epic Journey from
to IMA!

Short Prologue (CLICK HERE)
As all usually do, I went through the formal education system and obtained my degree. I ended choosing a Uni-Bachelor related to International Business and was overall not disappointed with my decision, yet... I felt it could not prepare me for the fast-changing world that lay ahead of me.
I found out that I could partially fill up that void and calm that slight anxiety by overloading myself with extra-curricular activities. To learn things school could not teach me. I was basically, applying to all honours programmes, exchanges, masterclasses and scholarships available while working at a challenging direct sales gig on the weekends. Fun times.

Beijing Forbidden City - On my two-month educational visit to the Far-East
After an honours summer school in Beijing and a semester abroad at one of the best business schools in Asia, located in Singapore, I was almost done with my bachelor. While I was abroad, I came to the realization that everybody has a degree nowadays and that the way to differentiate myself was through my skills, creativity and professional network. So I decided that I would delay my masters and focus on work and connecting with pro's in an area that I adore: Online Marketing.
The whole premise of selling your idea online and creating massive growth, income and scale just clicked with me. Around those years I had been reading, watching and listening to big-time entrepreneurs for a few years by then, and I recognized that most of their succes could be attributed to brilliant marketeers and killer sales people. Of which most of them (e.g. Gary Vaynerchuck, Tai Lopez, , Noah Kagan, Tim Ferris, Derek Sivers, Kevin Rose, etc.) were one or the other, or both.
Thus over the last 3 years I have built an extensive skill-set in online marketing and sales that I attained through jobs, self-learning, mentorships and freelance work. I preferred to work for start-ups and websites as I could come into contact with energetic and ambitious entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. That energy rubs off on you, you know. With this work I've had the freedom and budget to experiment, learn and refine the fine strokes of the art, which I must say I am proficient at right now (Paid Social Ads, E-mail marketing and automation, Content Marketing, Display advertising, Web Design, Lead generation, Adobe Creative Suite, you name it). The strategic thinking, copywriting and the client relations I found are my strong-suits and were therefore the most interesting part of the work.

Singapore Marina Bay Sands - a 10 minute walk from my apartment
"The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement" - Tim Ferris
Eventhough the freelancing work and sales-training (by Oh Norman) was fruitful, I felt that I could improve much quicker at a professional online marketing agency. Therefore I said my goodbyes to the start-up peeps and other clients and we finally arrived at the present moment, at which I am actively looking for a more serious position at an Online Marketing & Creative Agency. Ideally I would like to work on more strategy-based tasks, therefore Brand Strategist is the most fitting vacancy that you currently have. Learning as much as possible by doing is my goal here, so the fact that the brand strategist is able to work with different facets of the marketing mix and a number of key decision-makers will fit this aim perfectly. This position will totally match my skill-set as well. All in all, I'm a jack of all trades with a creative, entrepreneurial and pro-active mind- and skill-set and a natural strength for sales.
If you feel like I could potentially be a good fit for your strategic-team(s), I would be more than happy to come by and tell you more about myself, shake a good number of hands and talk details. My apologies for
the long read, I just felt this way of sending a job application would sketch a more accurate picture of me than doing it the "normal" way. Lastly, you can always reach me on: +31621305574 and [email protected] .
Kind regards,
Leon Lanen

Curriculum Vitae

Thank you for reading! Hope to hear from you soon!